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Supported housing and the benefits system event

A joint event by SFHA, HSEU and Scottish Women's Aid is being held on November 21 to consider the way in which the benefits system deals with supported housing is set to change.

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A joint event by SFHA HSEU and Scottish Women's Aid is being held  to consider the way in which the benefits system deals with supported housing is set to change.

The event is being held on November 21 at Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh EH7 5QY and runs from 1.00pm - 4.00pm, preceeded by a networking lunch at 12.30pm.

The current exemption from the Universal Credit system is temporary and the Department for Work and Pensions is expected to conduct a consultation shortly about how it plans to deal with supported housing in the future.   

This joint event is aimed at supported housing providers across the voluntary, private and social rented sectors as well as local authority commissioners and those involved with housing benefits.

By attending the event, participants will:

  • Gain an overview of the DWP consultation (to be launched soon)
  • Examine the Ipsos MORI report into the role, extent and cost of supported housing across England, Wales and Scotland (to be published soon)
  • Consider the implications for supported housing in Scotland under the Universal Credit system
  • Consider policy options for supported housing in Scotland


The event is free but it is necessary to register as places are limited.

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