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SFHA Energy and Net Zero Forum – share your views on future topics

By Cassandra Dove, SFHA Research and Policy Lead.

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SFHA’s Energy and Net Zero Forum is currently run in partnership with Changeworks and Warmworks. Going forward, we will be looking to recruit a chair and vice chair to help agree the priority areas of discussion for the upcoming year. However, we would also like to gather wider views to help shape future content and opportunities for members, either through the existing forum or other channels. All members are, therefore, invited to complete the following short survey on areas of interest and topics that you would like to see covered.

Some initial suggestions are included but we would welcome further ideas on the areas that matter to you and your organisation. Results will be reported anonymously, however, we may get in touch to follow up on specific question responses.

The survey will close on 16 August. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me Cassandra Dove at cdove@sfha.co.uk

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your time and effort are much appreciated.

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