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Housing (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill Reaches Stage 2

The Housing (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill - the legislation intended to reverse the ONS' reclassification of housing associations as public - has reached Stage 2 in Scottish Parliament.

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The Bill received cross-party support during the Stage 1 debate, allowing it to progress to Stage 2 where the Local Government and Communities Committee will consider the Bill in more depth.  This follows close liaison between Scottish Government and SFHA throughout the development of the Bill and at Stage 1.

It is expected that the Bill will receive Royal Assent in summer 2018, and be fully enacted by September 2018.   It is then anticipated that the ONS will be able to act quickly to reverse its decision - as it did in England - and reclassify RSLs as private.

Details of the Stage 1 debate are available here: 

Report of Stage 1 Debate

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