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Scottish Government issues charter consultation paper

Scottish Government issued a paper outlining its review of Scottish Social Housing Charter in June.  Since then it held a series of consultation events over the course of June and July in conjunction with TIS and TPAS.

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The Scottish Government has issued a paper outlining its review of Scottish Social Housing Charter. It is asking for responses by 9 September 2021, and SFHA will be submitting a response.

The full consultation paper is available on the Scottish Government website here:

Scottish Government Charter Consultation 

The paper seeks views over three sections:

  • the impact of the charter and if it has led to an improvement in landlord services
  • the existing charter outcomes and if these should remain the same or be amended
  • if anything further should be added to the charter.

While no proposals are set out as yet for additional outcomes or amendments, the paper highlights in the introductory narrative that:

"Since the Charter was last reviewed in 2016 we have already identified some changes that are required to reflect new legislation, standards and new business ways of working developed during the pandemic. These include the Domestic Abuse Protection (Scotland) Act 2021, virtual engagement and digital connectivity and the new milestone for improving energy efficiency of social housing EESSH 2."

The Scottish Government held a series of consultation events for both tenants and staff members in June and July, and its presentation from these events is available in the downloads section to the right of this article.

In putting together its response, SFHA will be contacting each of its practitioner forums about the charter outcomes most relevant to them as well as seeking views from members about the charter overall.

If you would like to feed into the SFHA response please contact SFHA Policy Lead Alan Stokes astokes@sfha.co.uk


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