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Commercial Members Breakfast Event: EU Brexit

SFHA Commercial Members are invited to a FREE Breakfast Event on the EU Brexit on Wednesday 24 August from 08.30 – 10.00 at the Holyrood Hotel in Edinburgh

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The vote to leave the EU by the British electorate on 23 June 2016 raises a range of vital questions for businesses across the country. The implications of leaving the EU for housing associations and their associates will depend entirely on the outcome of the exit process, and the shape that the UK's new relationship with Europe will take.

Lucy Pedrick, who leads the National Housing Federation's policy work on the EU in England, has a degree in European and International Law and has studied European constitutional law in depth in the UK, the Netherlands and Norway. She will outline the process of leaving the EU and explore the long-term implications for housing associations and their sector associates across the themes of funding, building homes, and regulation in particular.

Who should attend?

This event is open to Sector Associate members of the SFHA only.

Costs and How to Book

Taking place at the Holyrood Hotel in Edinburgh on the 24 August from 08.30 to 10.00 the event is exclusively available to Sector Associate members of the SFHA and is FREE to attend. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. 

Contact Details

SFHA Events Team

Telephone: 0141 332 8113

Email: events@sfha.co.uk

You can also book online HERE

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