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HACT looking for views on data led governance in social housing organisations in Scotland.

HACT is inviting stakeholders in the sector to complete a short survey on data led governance

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Following launch of resident feedback Data standards last year, in which the Scottish housing sector was represented in the project group, HACT is now working to develop these principles further and is keen to get views from across the UK.

As part of the work understand the areas and challenges around implementing better data governance principles across social housing organisations, HACT is inviting stakeholders in the sector to complete this short survey.

The UK Housing Data Standards remain free to download and have evolved since their inception to adapt to the latest needs within the sector. The current projects are  addressing two major challenges for the future of social housing: our sector’s journey towards net zero carbon and improving internal governance and regulatory returns procedures.

If there are any elements of this you would like to discuss in more details, please contact HACT’s Digital lead, Michal McLaughlin on Michael.mclaughlin@hact.org.uk to can set up a chat.

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