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CCPS 2021 Business Resilience Survey published

By Eileen McMullan, SFHA Policy Lead.

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Since 2009, the Housing Support Enabling Unit, Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland and SFHA have conducted an annual survey since across social care in Scotland.

The survey asks about various measures as a guide to levels of optimism, dealing with organisational finance, annual turnover, contracting arrangements and workforce issues. Trends have been set out and examined in a report.

The survey took place towards the end of 2021 and included various Covid-related questions about its impact on costs, service closure and staff furlough, use of technology as services implemented public health guidance, and the extent of tendering and procurement exercises during lockdown. 

Seventy-four per cent of those who responded to the survey deliver an element of housing support. Levels of optimism continue to trend downward, with close to the largest number of respondents (60%) since the beginning of the survey reporting less optimism about the general business situation in the sector.

In terms of recruitment, for the first time since the survey began, 100% of respondents reported difficulty with recruitment. This comprised 64% (highest since reporting began) reporting ‘a lot of difficulty’ with recruitment, with the remaining 36% reporting ‘some difficulty’.

You can view the full survey results here.

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