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Exploring affordability

After using the SFHA Affordability Tool, one SFHA member was asked to do more research. What experience do you have of using the tool?

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Last year, the SFHA published an affordability tool to help members understand the implications of proposed rent changes in relation to affordability for tenants. As well as undertaking scenario testing, the tool, along with the Guide to Rent Setting was designed to help staff have constructive conversations with boards and tenants about proposed changes to rents. 

Many members have mentioned that the Affordability Tool has been useful in framing discussions. 

One member has been in touch to say both officers and board have found it useful. In one area, it showed that rents were almost breaching the affordable threshold, and the board had asked them to do some follow up research with tenants to find out what their view was.

As part of this week’s practice exchange, the SFHA would like to hear how you have used the SFHA Affordability Tool, and if you have done follow-up research with tenants – how you  carried it out and what you asked.

Get in touch with your experience and views by contacting SFHA Policy Lead Zhan McIntyre zmcintyre@sfha.co.uk 

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