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Housing for Disabled People round table


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The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is carrying out a formal inquiry to assess whether the right of disabled people to independent living is supported by the provision of accessible and adaptable housing and tenancy support services. The inquiry is covering England, Scotland and Wales.

EHRC has a legal power to conduct an inquiry into anything relating to its equality and human rights duties. This helps it to collect evidence to gain a clear picture of a particular sector or issue, where it feels there is a benefit to wider society. It can then use its findings to make recommendations. In this instance, it wants to find out whether the housing that disabled people are living in impacts on their ability to live independently, access employment, education, leisure and recreational opportunities and, potentially increases the risk of illness and disability.

SFHA has already made a submission to the inquiry but was unable to consult with members due to the tight timescales. Therefore, SFHA and GWSF are hosting a round table event to seek the views of members and assist the progress of this important area of research. This should be a popular event, as this is a key area of interest for many members, and therefore, please register potential attendance through Eventbrite.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone with an interest in housing support, independent living and/or housing for varying needs. Those involved in strategic planning, staff and managers delivering support services and staff and managers from specialist associations will find this of particular interest.


The round table is provisionally booked to take place on Friday 15 September at SFHA offices in Glasgow. However, should levels of interest exceed the capacity of the room, it will be held it in another venue in Glasgow. 

Further detail on the format of this event will be provided nearer the time, however, further information about the inquiry can be found on the EHRC website.

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