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Scottish Government launches health and social care strategy for older people consultation

By Eileen McMullan, SFHA Policy Lead.

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The Scottish Government has just launched a consultation paper to seek views on a health and social care strategy for older people. This is seen as a key strategy, given that a quarter of the population of Scotland is projected to be aged 65 years, or over, by 2043. Although many people will remain healthy and active into later life, the pandemic brought to light the inequalities that people face in accessing services to enable them to maintain health and wellbeing. The consultation is seeking views on how to deliver integrated, person-centred health and social care services, hoping to address gaps and develop any new priorities from emerging areas of work.

The consultation is split into four sections:

  • Place and wellbeing
  • Preventative and proactive care
  • Integrated planned care
  • Integrated unscheduled care

The section on place and wellbeing emphasises prevention and recognises the range of organisations that provide support to older people and how they work together to provide care and support in the community.

A section on housing recognises that ‘home’ has a huge impact on health and wellbeing and asks questions primarily aimed at older people themselves. It focusses on the types of housing, adaptations and equipment people need to live independently at home for as long as they want to.

The other sections are focussed on health and care, including care at home, and the plan is to consult widely, with the intention of developing a final health and care strategy.

The consultation period ruins from 28 February until 19 June, and the paper can be found here.

Health and social care strategy for older people: consultation - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)


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