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SFHA Housing Management Forums – November 2018

Summary of SFHA Housing Management Forums 2018.

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A great big thank you to everyone who came along to the SFHA Housing Management Forums this month! Over 30 members attended to learn about relevant topics, exchange good practice and share challenges.

Fair Start Scotland

Employability was a significant topic of conversation as we welcomed representatives from Remploy to talk about the Fair Start Scotland projects they are involved in.


Dundee – Lynn Cunningham – lynn.cunningham@remploy.co.uk

Glasgow – Nicole Cranston – Nicole.cranston@remploy.co.uk

Lanarkshire – Louise Connolly - louise.connolly@remploy.co.uk

Please do get in touch with Remploy to explore how you might refer tenants to their services.

The presentation Lynn gave at the Forum in Dundee is available here.

The presentation Nicole and Louise gave at the Forum in Glasgow is available here.

Rapid Rehousing

Rapid rehousing was also an interesting topic for discussion. Some members reported their local authority partners had been in touch to discuss Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans, and experiences had been mixed.

The presentation Zhan gave at the Forum in Edinburgh is available here.

SFHA represents members at the Homelessness Prevention Strategy Group and Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan Sub-group. Please get in touch with Zhan if you have any concerns or issues you wish to be highlighted.

SFHA has organised a conference to help members get to grips with the changes being introduced by Rapid Rehousing. Places at the event are now available at a discounted rate -visit the SFHA website for more information and to book your place.

Practice Exchange

As usual, there was lots of good practice exchange. One of the hot topics was ‘Clear Close Policies’. Many members highlighted that in the Grenfell Aftermath, attention had been drawn to the importance of fire safety and risk management. Clear closes are part of this.

Many members now commonly remove items from closes if tenants fail to do so. A debate was had about liability for damaging the property. Some members were reluctant about this risk, but others thought that on balance, it was better to have a safe environment for their tenants. Some people stored the items, while other disposed of them.

One member mentioned that they had notified the local police before clearing closes, in case tenants reported items as stolen.

Some members do not have clear close policies in place yet, but would be interested in exploring how to develop and implement them. If you have a policy and would be happy to share, please send this to Zhan McIntyre, who will share it with the group.

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