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SFHA updates rent setting and affordability summary paper

With the current cost of living crisis, SFHA has updated last year's paper, Rent Setting and Affordability During the Pandemic and Beyond, to reflect the present situation facing members.

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Since the publication of SFHA’s Rent Setting and Affordability During the Pandemic and Beyond in Spring 2021, discussions have continued around affordability in the RSL sector.

With the current cost of living crisis in mind, SFHA has updated the document to reflect where things are for the sector, following the April 2022 rent cycle, and setting out some of the current considerations facing SFHA members for the year ahead.

Once again, SFHA hopes this serves as a useful starting point to discussions around rent setting and affordability as planning within RSLs gets underway for the next financial year. It is intended to inform and influence the ongoing dialogue on rent and affordability between SFHA, Scottish Government and SHR.

SFHA will shortly begin extensive engagement work with our members on rents for 2023/24 and has requested continued discussions with government and the regulator on the issues set out in the document.

If you work for an SFHA member organisation and are interested in contributing to discussions around rents and affordability and would like the opportunity to discuss concerns and solutions with other members, please express an interest by emailing SFHA Policy Lead Shona Mitchell at smitchell@sfha.co.uk


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