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Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund checkpoint reminder

The next SHNZHF application checkpoint will be on Wednesday 14 February.

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Applications for the current round of the Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund (SHNZHF) will close on Wednesday 14 February, with an aim for successful applicants to be awarded grants by Monday 1 April 2024. This funding round is for projects that can be completed within the 2024/25 financial year.
The SHNZHF is available to social housing landlords to support the retrofit costs of installing clean heating technologies and energy efficiency measures. Grant funding is awarded under two themes, with support provided at the following levels:
Theme 1 - Zero Emissions Heating Systems
Grant support available up to a maximum of 60% of total CAPEX costs.
Theme 2 - Fabric First Energy Efficiency
Grant support available up to a maximum of 50% of total CAPEX costs.
Grant support is capped at £35,000 per property for any combination of zero direct emissions heating and energy efficiency measures. To reflect the higher construction and delivery costs for projects in rural areas, a rural uplift of 11% to the grant cap will apply, with remote rural areas subject to a 22% uplift.
A series of Scottish Government workshops is currently taking place on the Fund, with a final session scheduled to take place in Edinburgh on Tuesday 6 February (please follow the link for details). Further details can also be found online at: Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)
SHNZHF applications forms can be requested by emailing netzerosocialhousing@gov.scot. If you have any feedback on the Fund or your experience of the application process, please contact Eli Harji on eharji@sfha.co.uk 
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