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UK Fuel Poverty Monitor: Every home should be a warm and safe place

SFHA Research and Policy Lead Cassandra Dove takes a closer looks at the latest UK Fuel Poverty Monitor findings.

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The National Energy Action (NEA) and Energy Action Scotland (EAS) have published the findings of the latest UK Fuel Poverty Monitor covering the 2020– 21 period. This annual report assesses the state of fuel poverty across the four nations, and this year also looks at the opportunities, barriers and risks of heat decarbonisations for fuel poor households.

The findings are based on a call for evidence which received 122 responses in addition to further engagement with wider stakeholders, including government, regulators and consumer advocacy representatives. Specific case studies are also included, based on householders NEA has supported with heat decarbonisation projects.

It was found that there are clear opportunities for fuel poor households through the decarbonisation of domestic heat, if done correctly, including reduced costs, and improved thermal comfort. However, in order for these opportunities to be maximised, the report recommends addressing the current financial and physical barriers in addition to improving awareness and advice provision, removing policy and regulatory barriers and improving transparency in the transition.

For Scotland, in particular, the report recommends that funding to improve the energy efficiency of fuel poor homes should increase to £522 million to 2025.

Further information can be found in the full report.

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