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SFHA Calls for Increased Ambition on Fuel Poverty

For immediate release: SFHA has today responded to plans announced for a new bill to set targets to reduce fuel poverty.

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SFHA has today responded to plans announced for a new bill to set targets to reduce fuel poverty.

SFHA responded to the bill saying that while it welcomed the Scottish Government’s commitment to reduce fuel poverty, more needed to be done.

Sarah Boyack, Head of Public Affairs at SFHA said

We welcome the fact that the Scottish Government has shown commitment to tackling fuel poverty by setting out plans to reduce fuel poverty and a commitment to make continued investment in home energy efficiency.

"However, although we welcome the fact that the target to reduce fuel poverty to 10% by 2040 has been reduced to below 5% by 2040, we have concerns that the proposed targets lack sufficient ambition.  We believe that proposals in the new bill do not go far enough and that more must be done to invest in energy efficiency and to provide affordable warmth.

"We are also concerned that fuel poverty levels in rural areas will be underestimated when a new method to measure fuel poverty is introduced.

"The SFHA will be responding to proposals in the bill and we are calling for

  • A time based target to end fuel poverty rather than to reduce it to below 5% by 2040
  • Long term funding to invest in home energy efficiency for all homes (at present the bulk of funding is not available to housing associations)
  • Fuel poverty measurement to take account of the higher costs of living in rural areas and the higher fuel costs in off gas areas"

Ms Boyack concluded

“Housing associations have a strong track record in energy efficiency, renewables and affordable warmth. Associations have the most energy efficient homes in Scotland and have a track record of delivering energy efficiency advice and maximising tenants’ incomes, as well as investing in initiatives such as district and renewable heating.  This investment creates jobs and improves health.

Our members are ideally placed to lead on programmes to tackle fuel poverty but need the long term support to do this – we are therefore calling for a time based target to end fuel and for housing associations to have access to funds to improve home energy efficiency”.    


For further information, please contact t: DStewart@SFHA  m: 07887 888 342  or e: DStewart@sfha.co.uk

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