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Governance and Regulation iconGovernance and Regulation / Scottish Housing Regulator


Regulation ensures the excellent performance and reputation of housing associations and co-operatives in Scotland and provides assurances to tenants, service users and lenders.

All housing associations and co-operatives are regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator (the SHR). The SHR’s Regulatory Framework outlines the powers and duties of the SHR, as per the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010. The SFHA liaises closely with the SHR and represents members’ views in responding to any SHR consultations or the production of any SHR publications.  

SFHA worked jointly with the SHR in the production of its Self Assurance Toolkit, which provides a steer on the kind of questions governing body members should be asking to assure themselves of compliance with the Regulatory Framework. 


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