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SPSO Consultation on KPIs

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman consults on draft accompanying guidance to Model Complaints Handling Procedures. 

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) has asked for comment on draft accompanying guidance to its Model Complaints Handling Procedures. This draft guidance includes details of key performance indicators (KPIs) that will form the basis of reporting to the governing body and to tenants on complaints.

The document proposes five mandatory KPIs relating to:

  • learning from complaints
  • total number of complaints received
  • the number and percentage of complaints at each stage which were closed in full within the set timescales of five and 20 working days
  • the average time in working days for a full response to complaints at each stage
  • the outcome of complaints at each stage.

It goes on to highlight three additional KPIs that are not compulsory but recommended. These relate to:

  • raising awareness
  • staff training in complaint handling
  • customer satisfaction with complaints process.

The paper also outlines reporting requirements based on these KPIs, including:

  • quarterly reporting to the governing body on KPIs and trends/outcomes of complaints
  • quarterly publishing of information on complaints outcomes and actions to improve services
  • publishing an annual complaints performance report on website in line with the Model Complaints Handling Procedure and FOI requirements.

The full draft paper is available in the downloads section to the right of this article. The SPSO has asked for comment by close Friday 25 June, and SFHA will be submitting a response.  

If you would like to feed into the SFHA response, or have any comments regarding the above, please contact Alan Stokes, Policy Lead, by emailing astokes@sfha.co.uk

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