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Scottish Government to review Social Housing Charter

Scottish Government to review Scottish Social Housing Charter.

The Scottish Government is reviewing the Scottish Social Housing Charter, beginning in June 2021.    

A consultation paper will not be issued until 17 June, but the Scottish Government has outlined the following details on the consultation process.

The formal consultation will run for 12 weeks from 17 June to 9 September. While full details are not yet known, it will focus on:

  • if anything within the charter needs to be changed or added and if it remains focussed on outcomes that matter to tenants, and other customers, of social landlords
  • what the charter is achieving in delivering improved outcomes and standards for tenants and other customers
  • the effect the charter is having on the quality and value of the services social landlords provide.

Consultation events

In conjunction with TPAS and TIS, the Scottish Government is holding a series of consultation events, from 21 June to 15 July. Separate staff and tenants events will be taking place, and a flyer (including details on how to book) is available in the downloads section to the right of this article.

Further steps

After an independent analysis of charter responses in November 2021, a revised charter will be prepared in January 2022.

A parliamentary committee will consider the revised charter in January/February.

The revised charter will be approved in March 2022 to come into effect on 1 April 2022.

Feed into SFHA’s response

SFHA will be feeding into the review and will be gathering members’ views to formulate our consultation response. As part of this, we will be consulting our individual practitioner forums about the charter outcomes most relevant to them. If you would be interested in feeding into the SFHA response, please contact Policy Lead Alan Stokes astokes@sfha.co.uk



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