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New Build and Development iconNew Build and Development / Increasing Housing Supply


There is an outstanding need for new affordable housing in Scotland. Housing associations and co-operatives, as the main developers of new build, affordable rented housing, are best placed to deliver that housing.

The outstanding need was highlighted in Audit Scotland's Report on Housing and the Black Commission on Housing and Wellbeing which was published in 2015.

The need for new affordable housing was further quantified in a national Housing Needs Assessment co-funded by the SFHA, which showed that 60,000 affordable rented homes need to be built over the next five years to meet outstanding need.

The Scottish Government has responded by increasing the grant rate for affordable housing and setting a target of building 50,000 affordable homes between 2016 and 2020.

The SFHA is supporting ​members by working with the Scottish Government and other partners to identify the challenges to increasing affordable housing supply and to develop solutions.

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