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Who they are

Sector Associates are organisations who want to promote their products and services to the social housing sector in Scotland. By building relationships as suppliers and contractors, they are supporting the vital work our members do throughout Scotland.

Currently, we have over 140 sector associates representing a variety of industries including legal, financial, care, procurement, insurance, consultancy, energy, IT and construction.

Becoming a Sector Associate is the first step in growing your organisations presence within the sector and shows your organisation is invested in furthering our members’ ambitions, and in supporting social housing in Scotland

Membership provides a platform to access various opportunities and activities, enabling your organisation the chance to expand its engagement and presence with the right audiences. To become a Sector Associate contact Craig McMillan, Business Development Manager by phone: 07887 888 336 or email: cmcmillan@sfha.co.uk.

Become a Sector Associate

SFHA provides a unique platform, allowing Sector Associates to network and engage with our members. Sector Associates can do this through various opportunities and activities, from exhibiting at an SFHA conference, putting on a webinar aimed at our member audience or conducting a marketing campaign utilising the Housing Scotland Weekly e-newsletter and our other media channels.

Working with us creates opportunities to:

  • Showcase your services and products to the sector
  • Expand and develop a network of contacts in the housing sector
  • Grow your business in the sector

Key benefits include:

  • A copy and listing in the annual SFHA digital online directory.
  • A listing of our members (Housing Associations) 
  • Your company’s entry on our website directory, complete with company logo and URL straight to your website. 
  • Reduced exhibition rates at our conferences .
  • Reduced delegate rates at our conferences .
  • Reduced rates to host webinars for our member audience .
  • Reduced advertising rates, both online and print
  • Introductory 800 word press release - this will go out on our weekly enewsletter, HSW, which has a subscription base of over 5000
  • Permission to use the SFHA logo on your correspondence
  • Followed on Twitter
  • Connection on LinkedIn
  • Opportunity to nominate someone to our pool of event speakers
  • Opportunity to submit case studies for viewing on the SFHA website. This will also have an accompanying article in our weekly newsletter signposting to the various locations of the case study 

This package includes membership and all of the key benefits. 

This package includes all of the key benefits listed above and one  exhibition stand at an SFHA conference of your choice (subject to availability).

This package includes all of the key benefits, as well as two exhibition stands at SFHA conferences of your choice (subject to availability). Also included are two  "insights" in the SFHA weekly e-newsletter, HSW.

This package gives your organisation the opportunity to develop with us a unique, tailored plan of engagement in the sector.


Get in touch

Just give us your email address and we’ll send you the details

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Get in touch

Craig McMillan profile image

Craig McMillan

Business Development Manager

Interested in becoming a Sector Associate?

If you would like to meet and discuss in more detail, please contact our Business Development Team by calling 07887 888 336 or email cmcmillan@sfha.co.uk.


Contact Us
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